Procure a strong box large enough to hold oversize A4 documents, and put it by/under the desk/area that you work.
Lay all waste printed/written matter FLAT in it. This is your ‘piling tray'.
Crumpled paper takes up loads of room, and is difficult to retrieve. The piling tray takes ages to fill up, and when you discover you have thrown away an important piece of manuscript, letter, statement or invoice, you know where it is - piled - in chronological order.
When the box is full, remove the bottom half of the pile and check through it to make sure the contents are all disposable (this is particularly important if you have kids, or are not the only person who uses the work area!).
Remember, your piling tray is just for flat sheets of paper. Sweet wrappers, fruit peel, tea bags and empty drinks cans get placed in an appropriate disposal receptacle.