Bring 150g of new potatoes (104 calories) to the boil, set a timer for 18 minutes and leave to simmer. When the buzzer goes, put 100g of chopped tinned tomatoes (20 calories) in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
Remove from microwave, and leave (covered) while you nuke 70g of frozen sweetcorn (70 calories) for 3 minutes.
Open and drain a 150g tin of tuna in brine or spring water(150 calories). Remove the potatoes from the boil (they should have been on for about 25 minutes by now) and drain them.
Bung it all on a plate, pour yourself a glass of water, and enjoy a meal that provides you with nearly 40 grammes of protein, almost no fat and just 350 calories.
(If you haven't got 25 minutes to wait for the potatoes to cook, a bag of low fat/low salt potato crisps provides a reasonable substitute, and a similar amount of calories)